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Many people are discovering the convenience of syndicated newsfeeds. With newsfeeds, you do not have to visit the site to read its content. A program called a newsreader fetches and presents news from multiple web sites for you, much like a newspaper presents articles from many sources.

Some forums on this site may be read by members only, moderators, or require special permissions. Normally these forums would not be accessible in a newsfeed. However, this site is enabled with RSS Feeds. It allows users to access forums on this site in a newsfeed. This is done by authenticating yourself with a special URL that you create on this page. You select the forums on this site that interest you that you want included in your customized newsfeed. You can choose the type of newsfeed format that you prefer. RSS Feeds supports the RSS and Atom protocols. Make sure you pick the correct format that you need. After pressing the Generate URL button near the bottom of this page, copy and paste this generated URL into your newsreader.

If you are new to newsfeeds, and web aggregators, we suggest you read this Wikipedia topic. It includes a link to various newsreaders that you may wish to download. If you have not registered on this site, you can still get a newsfeed. However, you can only select from publicly accessible forums.
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