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Restructuring the Guild and house give away

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Dante Darkheart

Joined: 12 Jul 2012
Posts: 161
Location: Jhelom and Red Fang Pointe

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:26 am Post subject: Restructuring the Guild and house give away Reply with quote

Things are changing in my real life and in game. In my real life I'll be getting married on September 6th. Well that's really not that much of a change, I have to go to an overpriced party, sign a piece of paper, and come tax season I'll get a little more money back on my tax returns. The fiancé and I have been together for a little more than 3 years now and we’ve known each other for almost 12 years. So because none of that effects anyone else I can pretty much tell you nothing much is really going to change between you all and myself. In game I've been in something of a rut. I've been trying to get out of it but sometimes things don't work out the way you plan. I think I need to shake things up again for myself.

What is changing is that Dante will be refocusing his attention to Catskills. I'll still be around on Atlantic too but as many RPers have shifted back to Catskills so shall I. I have a story/post in mind that will explain in characterly what is going through his head and explain what is to come in the in character future for my guilds. But because of the refocus there will be a reorganization in my guild(s) as well as a renaming. The new guild name will be the “Crimson Alliance – Resurgent” the sub guilds will roughly retain their current names despite new abbreviations. Because of the reorganization/rebranding I will be dropping highlights. So don't worry you guys did nothing wrong. I should have time to drop all the highlights sometime today. And I'll have the guild names set up sometime this weekend. I'll do what I can to resend highlight requests shortly after. Most of my members are listed under just one guild and I'll keep that guild active until I can get them to transfer to the new guild.

This also means that operations will be scaled back on Atlantic. Namely the Ophiophagus Foundation Orphanage Complex set up on the North Island of Jhelom in Felucca. The complex consists of a larger house I want to say 14x14 maybe 14x13 or something of that nature and two smaller houses. I'm not going to be heartbroken to watch the two smaller houses crumble to dust. But I spent considerable time, money, and effort to obtain the large plot. So it is with regret that I no longer see a great need a for it and would prefer the house goes to an RPer if necessary. I know there had been some interest in establishing guilds in Jhelom, notably the Jhelom Advanced Warrior Academy (JAWA). Although I don't see any activity on their forum here since August 2nd 2013. But if anyone wants it they can have it. If I don't get a taker by the time of the election in September I'll give it to the new Governor of Jhelom. If the new Governor doesn't want it (or can't take it) then I'll give it to a Citizen of Jhelom with a title of Countess/Earl or above. If I still cant get a taker by the end of September then I'll just let it drop. Just reply in this thread as well as PM me if you're interested.
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